h1n1 killed a lot of people. less than the seasonal but it killed the young not the elderly. it was worse. 12k deaths, the lionshare being...
its because of fear and patriotism and idealism. every country is a mixture of political systems. nazis are/were far right not far left....
sure the copts have problems, but millions of them live there and have lived there for a long time. there is no genocide or civil war. 20 dead in...
randle #1 wr. is that more because of his performance or toliver's screw up?
really?! how big is he now? does lsu have much of a shot with him since he obviously knows butch well?
rjf did 25 which isnt so hot. but i know he was considered very strong on the field.
you cant quote too much of an article, so i quote what i think is most interesting. link is provided. gitmo. education (pushed the teachers...
but how sure are you that you would have the same beliefs if you had been born in rural india? if your beliefs are likely to have been...
i was in the lsu athlete's dorm for years. talk about a powder keg.
theyve been slow to do it so far, i think.
brooks isnt far left. not trying to convince anyone of anything. i just thought brooks made a reasonable assessment of the political landscape...
you exaggerate. marginalized better describes the copts existence in egypt. i thought the discussion is not an academic one about islamic...
from someone 4 clicks to the right of Obama "We live in a country in which many people live in information cocoons in which they only talk to...
i would be surprised if this applied to any football players even in high school considering their weightlifting experience, but i know that...
havent heard that nickname before---"JaCarcass"
your conditions are too narrow. did you know that i am the smartest, most handsome, and nicest person in the world sitting at my desk right now?
i dont think gathers at 6'6" is in the same league as monroe as a recruit.
upon reviewing the #s we've learned-- woods can jump out of the gym (37 inch vertical!) mcray is very athletic. so there are no good excuses...
is it possible that lsu's strength program focuses on strength and not bench press reps. there is a difference. but i cant imagine the tigers...