1984, wtf? you need a tissue?
Nick Saban pretty much said the same thing the night before he took the Dolphons gig.... of course he never had an injury, just told all his...
Les Miles needs to tell John Brady to keep his distance from our football players.....
uhhhhhhh.....I think you meant to say MR not JR when reffering to the OSU game.......??????
Jason White played really well in the most important games like the 2003 KState(Big 12 CC ) and LSU game(Nat Champ), not to mention the USC(Nat...
Of course, no matter what was said during recruiting......... Ryan himself will want to redshirt after 4 or 5 games if (big if) JR plays the way...
You don't want that source. Talking about "straight from the horse's mouth"...Nick told all his asst coaches and co-workers he was staying in...
They send the tickets out over a few days.... You'll receive them by the end of the week.
at least three times a week...... I spread more green around than most......
Let Clair have some fun...... :thumb: When my little brother was like 4, he had an imaginary friend that lived in the sofa named Betsy.......
This just in....... The second and third string QB will be ready to play if called upon......
lol you are too funny
Hello football fans, this is cgisclair, aka Beano... RP will win 4 Heismans at LSU just like Ron Powlus did at Notre Dame.... Where can I...
I'd like to meet her. a possible GILF?
So he has a little attitude.......it's all good It takes all kinds to make up this world. For example, I think the white helmet sucks, you...
I believe you're friends with RP, but if you want to keep getting "the scoop" for months/years to come, don't quote personal conversations you...
JR is our starter. RP will get his turn soon enough(and he'll prolly be a great one in time). Two years ago JR looked 10 times better than Matt...
You obviosuly never played football. WTF? :( I hope he can "handle" living with a big named recruit/teammate.???? HUH? Coach Miles said RP...
Red, you sound like my grandma....... Ramah needs to come back. The pure entertainment factor was priceless, imo.