I keep hearing that Oakland wants to take D McFadden.....wouldn't the combo of JR and D-Mac be just a little bit scary? I would think so.
Yes, definitely. And so is Coach Miles. GLAD that he's an LSU Man. Hope it stays that way for a long, long, time. :oldskule:
Same thing that immediately came to my mind. Toonces needs to go AWAY! :oldskule::oldskule::oldskule:
Several centuries ago, the Pope decreed that all the Jews had to convert to Catholicism or leave Italy. There was a huge outcry from the Jewish...
O.K. Class, how about a limerick? Here goes: "A horny young lady named Alice Used a dynamite stick as a phallus. They found her vagina in South...
Naw, that would be sick.... just bent her over a Bud keg (she kept saying, "it's cold, it's cold....no, nevermind, it's not....) :oldskule:
Trust me, do it as often as possible BEFORE marriage...... My oddest place was the walk-in refrigerator at a restaurant I managed on the...
Billy and Susie, two five-year-olds, are playing in the sandbox one day. Susie says, "Billy, what's a penis?" Billy says, "I don't know. But I'll...
Pretty sure it was low budget and in my opinion, the WORST MOVIE IN HISTORY: Blair Witch Project. Two hours of my life that I can never get...
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her > altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse >...
Yes, I'm looking out the back window at my neighbor's yard. He has six halves of Bradford pear trees. The other half of each tree lost over the...
Which leads me to believe that Dennis Quaid's version of Doc might be closer to the true character of the man....."All of you can kiss my rebel...
Thanks, Joe! I like that tiger, too. And I really appreciate the nice work. It's my wallpaper now. Great job. :oldskule:
I agree with you about "Wyatt Earp". It was perhaps a bit more historically correct and covered a much longer period of history. Since it came...
John Wayne and James Stewart did appear in three movies: Liberty Valence Shootist How the West was Won. (no scenes together, but both were in...
The moral of the Tombstone thing: If you are a historian, don't watch period movies. Peabody, you're a Daisy! :thumb: (And, of course, you're...
"Oh NO!, someone's gonna have to go back and get a whole $hitload of dimes!" "What in the wide, wide world of sports is a goin' on here?" (my...
One of my degrees is History. I can't get enough of it - Well, certain periods of history anyway. Some of it bores even me. I'm also a real movie...
WEll, there was this girl in a bar there one time back in '71.....but this is a family forum, so I'll leave it at that. :)
I got mine in the mail today and have already watched it. I guess it was just o.k.... I'm not sure what I expected....maybe more NFL Films -...