Ego trippin is a hell of a drug. [IMG]
I take it this will be the final game of Kellen Moore's 14-year career at Boise?
Remember when Luck and Landry Jones were locks for the Heisman?
I also hear (from Tiger'N'HornLand i think) that his conditioning isn't where it needs to be yet.
Edwards' alma mater doesn't bother me; Bama is a fine university. But this is clearly an area where journalistic ethics would require full...
I'd much rather see LSU beat that a$$ again and make all this a moot point.
Danielson's spinning his wheels if he thinks a split NC will happen. The AP would give it to Bama.
They do seem to have their tentacles everywhere. Funny how ESPN never bothered to mention that their BCS "expert" was a Bama grad, even while...
I can't stand everything else about Danielson, but I really like his playoff model. The only thing I'd change is having a selection committee...
What I don't understand is the purpose of even having a computer poll component at all when human voters simply overrule it when the models don't...
It would be 1-1. And Bama would have the crystal football, which is the only NC that counts. The system is abominable, but it's what we're stuck...
It should, but it isn't. And conference commissioners have had ample time to amend the BCS rules to make winning the conference mandatory for...
You saying Bama blew their wad the first time and got nothing left for an encore?
Yes and no, we never played USC in the regular season. But there were plenty of people, myself included, who said that voters should abide by the...
We really want to open up that can of worms after most of our fans screamed bloody murder over the split '03 NC? Much rather beat the Gumps again...
It's complete horse sh*t they didn't get slapped with LOIC. If their documented history doesn't meet the definition, then nothing does.
Well, to clarify he said LSU should get at least a share of the NC if we lose. He's thinking along the lines of a split NC with the AP poll if...
We're gonna be feeling a lot differently if we're on the wrong end of the final score in the Dome.
This isn't the Coates Hall bathroom? Ah, my mistake.
Um....this is a sports board, right?