Sorry, I'm not buying this resigning over undisclosed health reasons. Billy Gonzalez to LSU. Didn't Charlie Strong leave Florida for somewhere? I...
I have no clue, I don't know anything about that story!
Why America Hates Universal Health Care: The Real Reason zomblog Interesting article - Odd Couple Demands Probe of Rahm Emanuel at Freddie as More Money Rolls In
Can you imagine the way the media would have broadcasted this had a republican or bush been in office? Just Sayin!
Taliban Releases Video Showing Captured U.S. Soldier - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -
F the democrats, most of them don't believe in Christmas anyway. Its happy holidays or something else. In the public schools the Christmas party...
Senate OKs health care measure, reaching milestone - Yahoo! News Quote: Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., the longest-serving House member and a...
We all know Ahmadinejad is a nut case. I wouldn't count on him being a rational person. They can always sell these weapons to terrorists or...
No, you are a waste of time.
Well I agree with some of what you say but you are crazy to think that a nuclear strike between Iran and Israel wouldn't effect us. Someone...
This is one of the dumbest posts I've every read. I'm sorry but I guess you don't think that would have any affect on us or the planet, Imagine...
My biggest fear is that no one will do anything to stop him and he and Isreal will launch their nukes. No one has any balls anymore, the only...
Its probably all the law enforcement officers Clinton hired and put on the street. Or Maybe its Obama's personal military watching you!:lol:
We agree on this however my understanding is that it doesn't matter what is in the bill, they can always modify it later on. Its a pretty good...
We need political reform worse than anything else. Imagine if all senators start holding out to get what they want for their vote. This could set...
Yes I but also imagine what a nuclear exchange would do to temporarily change our weather pattern. I do expect that winter should go away forever,...
Valdez socked in
I'll join U!:insane::lol:
Iraqi official: Iranians seized Iraqi oil well - Yahoo! News