Football season can't get here soon enough
If you're not a starter, it's hard to play for John Brady. Sure the walk-on scrubs stick around, but Brady has trouble keeping the guys that are...
Maybe an autograph from none other than Blake Andrews?
unless things have changed, all of LSU's staff and students email addresses are public......
we know clair, you've been watching tapes of Aaron Brooks....
I'll be the first one to mention this..... At least Alley can get a redshirt.....
lol you really set high standards, huh?
blind, deaf or both? L~O~S~E~R
Alley is on the shelf for the 2005 season. The MRI will tell the rest of the story, but all indications point towards major ligament (acl) damage.
:hihi: Mr. Smiles is a loser....... I've never seen a happier qb than Aaron Brooks after he throws an int....
time will tell .... high school football is different from SEC football. He might turn out to be great....
correct, he was carried of the field.
He was great in the Sugar Bowl, huh? :hihi: :dis: Shy 'scalp man' Carey
Addai had the bad leg in 2003 and JV and Alley stepped up bigtime... I'm sure JV and Addai will do the same this year if need be. It's nice...
wait and see..... I tore both acl's and walked off the field.
I always do......
A couple years ago I wasn't home to sign for the package. Talk about a mess to track down and pick up my tickets. I ended up getting them the day...
Peyton Manning is just like the great Thunder Dan Marino, one hell of a QB that has won everything under the sun but a big game...... Both are...