Re: LSU99, Much of what you say is correct.... I dunno, there was a hockey boom in the south back when we got the Kingfish. Were any of those...
Just hang in there, man. We're all pulling for you and her.
I took one on the way to work this morning. I can tell it's going to come out blurry, but I'll post it when I get home.
I'm 21 years old, turning 22 on July 27. Leos rule. I've always been something of an artist, but due to school and work that's slowed down...
Here's more salt and pepper stuff. Baseball lacks support from black community LSU's only black baseball player, Quinn Stewart, is an anomaly...
Athlete's story one of struggle, success Willie pointed in the right direction By Bill Sanders Sports Contributor May 05, 2005 Athletics...
Plus, it's one thing to speak to fellow teammates in private about the issues, but it's another thing to actually put them in print for all to see.
I saw it, but when I was trying to read it the a-hole in the next lane honked because he thought I was coming into his lane. :hihi:
I go to school with him (well... DID) at LSU and I've ran into him on a couple occasions. He's a genuinely nice guy and he's always willing to...
Wow, two lost their scholarships and given the boot, and two others left because of this. Athletes kicked off swim team Students lose fall...
Football team sets goals, agenda for summer Miles addresses QB situation By Clinton Duckworth Sports Contributor May 03, 2005 The LSU...
[img] Damn, Seimone vs. Tack. Event cancelled, flier called 'racist' Confederate flag center of concern By Ginger Gibson Staff Writer May...
Just drove by it the other day and was impressed with how much they had done since I last saw it. They're definitely making progress (finally).
Texas A&M doesn't want any part of us. Notre Dame is a good one. At the risk of sounding cliche', I'd say USC, but I doubt it'll ever happen.
They hit Patterson! Those bastards! They knew he was our best home run hitter so I suppsoe they did that on purpose :hihi: . Just a reminder:...
Actually, those were made a whole year before OU played USC....
Well here comes game 2. I won't be around to listen to this one, though.
9-4 Vandy :shock:
Summabitch. First pitch from Faircloth Vandy gets a RBI double and scores.
Pitching chaaaaaaaaaaange. Jordan Faircloth.