Seems like a guy I would not want to work for. It seems rather undignified that he gripes to his employees. They likely don't need the lecture....
+1000 The four things that most closely correlate to victory in football are 1) the ability to run the ball, 2) the ability to stop the run,...
Ron Paul is a farce. The funny thing is his rabbid followers like to call everyone else sheep. Funny that it comes across as baaah to me.
The read option sets look to be greatly improved over last year as well.
Let's turn this into a U2 bash thread. The only good thing they ever did was invent youtube.
In his famous secretary example he uses the secretaries marginal tax rate and compares it to his effective tax rate to point out that she pays a...
All 100% true. That article stank of intellectual dishonesty. Very similar to Buffet in that regard.
Addai also started as a fullback.
i'm not going to vote for him, but it does not matter. If the honey badger wants the Heisman he will just take it.
I had no idea. I was under the assumption that his cancer was long behind him and he was moving on.
It starts next Sunday.
Has the jump pass ever been stopped? It may be the most destructive play in football.
No martin. I read on the internet that a war is when the congress votes to take military action against another nation. Having the congress vote...
Can someone please explain what a war is to me? It sounds like you have to complete some kind or paperwork before you can have one. Also what...
Not very Louisiana kids go to Tulane you know. At one time only one in eight Tulane students was from Louisiana. They were all Canizaros.
Cause all the darkies like T-Bob Hebert want JJ playing because he is black.
You guys are missing the point here. That song sucked. It was way past time to yank it.
If you have never heard a Tulane grad bash LSU alumni then you have never talked to a Tulane grad.
I would hat this. It would barely feel like the SEC for the West teams.
Moving Bama to the east saves Bama Tenn but would destroy the Deep South's Oldest Rivalry... UGA vs. Auburn.