I read the article. Perhaps we were just confused at btiger's response. I know I was. Maybe I should've read the article before my earlier...
Have you been cut off from the rest of the world the past few years? :confused: :confused:
Games are added to ESPN Gameplan throughout the season, so just because it's not on the schedule now, doesn't mean it won't be on the schedule...
Did anyone notice on a PR toward the end of the game, Skyler ran out of bounds and Jammal Brown shoulder bumped him on his way out. Skyler got...
Reminds me of a joke: A girl came skipping home from school one day. "Mummy, Mummy," she yelled. "We were counting today, and all the other...
I believe your relationship is considered statuatory rape in most states...
Not cool, dude. Not cool.
Aren't you forgetting that George W. Bush is single-handedly responsible for the deaths of every servicemember in Iraq? :hihi:
I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there. :lol:
Nutt pulled Johnson out after he blew it and promptly put Dick in, who immediately broke the Trojans and knocked up the secondary. Said Nutt...
Here's an idea, let's just start profiling like the rest of the world. I don't care if people get offended. There is a serious problem when we...
Prepare for a full body cavity search...and don't bring any shampoo or hair gel with you. :thumb:
Just wait until every car is 85% ethanol.
Hmm, the Civil War and World War I, to name a few, come to mind.
This decision by Saban made me respect him that much more. Sure, the opportunity to dine with the leader of the free world could be one of those...
You're alive!!
Where's the rep system when you need it! I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there!