This article claims we will come to a compromise on taxes and basically kick the can down the road on spending. This is a complete fuck show....
How did everyone else do?
Won by 3. Fitting that a Romo interception would seal it for me.
Down 1.2 points going into second half of cowboys redskins. I have rg3 and witten, he has romo and moss. Doesn't get much better than that....
Stormin' Norman
I'll say it again, if he evers plays a down in the NFL it will be the greatest comeback from an injury ever.
It sounds like you actually teach you?
I didn't call him a thug but I did call him an idiot. In this case, it doesn't matter much. As others pointed out, it's not like he'll improve...
It's perceived to be a problem because CLM is being proactive in it. He does random testing in and out of season and doesn't cover it up. What...
My fears about private school didn't outweight the our situation. I think it can go either way. There probably is not a wrong...
So are we taking 3 te's this class?
I would let my kids go to any of those schools. The middle schools are the problem. SJ Welsh was rough and overcrowded when I went there in the...
I struggled with public vs private. We went private but I hate that the racial and socioeconomic background of my daughters classmates are not...
Fair enough. I never thought there was anything there but why the comments he made? Do they not seem vague to you?
This is the line that surprised me...... too many moves? We're talking about one move. One thing you know for sure is that he's not going to... Doesn't sound very convincing to me. Maybe this has legs. Terry has been very...
Pack your shit up and go live on a beach somewhere. I swear if I didn't have a family I would strongly consider this. Not because I hate life...
I only read the first bit of your link but it's pretty eye opening to hear this stuff spoken in a presidential debate.
I really do like Popeyes but the ones here in south Louisiana that I go to seem to have terrible service. I feel like I'm bothering them by...
I didn't say we were like Spain or Portugal. Because we aren't. Not even close. But I have looked at the numbers and if we continue to run at...