so, those of you that say the bill is unconstitutional, why did barry push for this? even though you disagree with his ideology and politics...
"Georgia Supreme Court declares caps on malpractice lawsuits are unconstitutional" unanimous ruling from conservative court. perhaps this is...
how many are qualified to give a valuable answer? if this is just to get the public's opinion then ask if they want reform, not something that...
wiki shows decrease in taxes (%) for all above $28k, but the largest decrease (%) was for the highest bracket, 3.6% decrease for those over $320k....
at least the guy was trying to predict the future. perhaps a charge of attempted sorcery is more appropriate. at first i thought this was...
this is pretty different to the issue of republic vs democracy. i dont think the country should have a referendum on every issue. it would be a...
where is the real spikke? this post was almost enjoyable to read. you might be correct. my experience with muslims is limited to highly...
nevada board had the rumor 5 days ago. Some rumors that Trent Johnson might take the vacancy at Boise St. - Forums
Re: bryce brown out at UT best guess is KSt. his brother, who lsu recruited, arthur, is transferring from the U to KSt. both are from K.
bryce brown out at UT this cant hurt our chances next season "As of now he's not a part of the team," Dooley said. Dooley on Bryce Brown:...
so which is it, o ye sages of tf, "smoke and mirrors" or "we all know what is in the bill"? opinions like these make me suspicious of...
"Poll: 55% in U.S. Oppose Health Care — and Rising" great, 55% oppose health care. so lets make health care illegal then. Breaking News |...
we dont even know what is in the bill yet.
never has been, thank god.
didnt see this one coming. saw him several times in memphis.
whats with all the poll references. i thought politicians used to get bashed for paying attention to polls? what, are we now saying a republic...
i suggest you dont go to vegas.
here's two scientific research--the US is the clear world leader in research and the lion's share of the funding comes from the federal gov...
so it is semantics. im going to egypt next month. what do you think i should ask muslims to find out if they are good (terrorists) or bad...
does the kindle fit in your purse?