Lets raise one flag before we start counting the second one.
Student loans may be good for some, but there are better alternatives out there. The UPS program I participted in was amazing. The problem is...
I likes my coffee like I likes my women. Hot. Black. Strong.
I just eat whatever I want. Somedays its a pound of broccoli and some days its a pound of hog's head cheese.
More student loan debt than credit card debt now. Over 1 trillion dollars. Glad I had a job in school.
I think Sabanfan forwarded an email to "someone."
I couldn't give you a precise location. Outside the stadium is as close as I can get you.
So, Iwanted to give an update on my breakfast consumption. I am still eating this breakfast every day. The only thing I have changed is that I...
I went without tickets in 03, and 05, and got in. In 05 both teams were in the top 10, and Bama was undefeated. My cousin and I got two tickets...
I eat a lot of garlic. I will generally boil it with some cayanne pepper and then mash it up into some grits. I also like a good homemade...
Nope this is a new element. The only similarity so far this season is the Greene farm and Carl getting shot. The trip to get medical equipment...
My gut feeling is good. In what is almost sure to be a defensive struggle I like the team with the better turnover margin. This one could just...
I am outraged. This phone caused such a distraction that Brooks only returned 1 interception for a touchdown in the 2nd half.
TGBFTL has been playing the same boring shows for the last 10 or so years. Earth, Wind & Fire, A little Queen, and some Fleetwood Mac. That is...
I know what you are doing here. I don't think you are atuned enough with the Force to counteract isltsl's prediction. That dude is Palpatine and...
Turnover margin jumps out at me. What is LSU now? +16? At some point we take the ball away and get the three that will be all the difference in...
I thought the ending was perfect. There is a flex gate between Shane and Otis and a hungry horde of zombies. I would not want to be the fat guy...
Given your record with predicting things... PLEASE PREDICT A BAMA WIN!!! Please use as many superlatives as possible in making the...
What is the deal with that? Is he a big donor or something?
This is the one that matters least in my opinion. 97, 01, 03, 05, 07. All in Brian Dennehy. All LSU victories.