I hardly view this as a victory. It is sad, and will paralyze the government, even moreso, than already.
“The base”
Damn, I thought it was that budding politician, Chelsea Clinton!
I bet the guy has a MAGA hat. Clearly he is doing his part!
Damn. My kind of teachers. I taught with several hot ones, but I don’t think any of them were doing students.
Damn, I missed that nugget on MSM. FInally some real “news” and wouldn’t you know it — suppressed!
Damn, man. That’s some shit. Sounds like you are on the mend which is great! Makes my various floating turd soup seem a bit trivial. Geaux Tigers!
It’s a shame that character and athletic have become damn near mutually exclusive. If you watch how these guys get treated starting in 6th or 7th...
Though my demise is not imminent, I would have been fine going to my grave without knowledge of Japanese child sex dolls. Yeah, the end is near.
I have never seen a non-low life walking a pit bull. Never. There may be exceptions but I have not witnessed it. They are constantly in the news...
And 10% a great shithead!
In the end, Trump's biggest problems will not be what he did or did not do with the Russians, but with how he dealt with all the stuff surrounding...
That GOFUNDME for STROZK, who was bound to have been an SES, making plenty of money, is a joke. Raised my eyebrow for sure.
To me, the issue was in past immigration, people wanted to come to America to be Americans. Now people want to come here for the benefits, yet...
I “discovered” Scalzi back in several years ago. Went through his books, quickly. Enjoyed them. Wish he was more prolific.
That is almost 60,000 miles!!!!! Geostationary orbit, at the equator is about 22,000. Could that be a typo?
Sorry to go back to space, but . . . I was watching the ULA heavy launch this morning, and the commentator stated the main and two strap on...
I watch every one. You are right, the dual landing was way, way beyond awesome. What is also great is that their commentary has improved,...