I've watched people go bankrupt with that attitude. It can't happen to me/us. I/we are nothing like them.
Didn't the Jets have Mcelroy inactive last week? That was surprising to me. I can't believe they would ever go into a game with only sanchez and...
Took the #1 seed into the playoffs and I'm leading my first round matchup by 30 points (playoff rounds are two weeks of play in our league)....
So, in reading more, it looks like Tagliabue agreed with Goodell that there was a bounty and they should fine/suspend players but he was...
Just coming out. This is per Larry Holder per Greg Aiello. Unbelievable if true..... https://twitter.com/LarryHolder/status/278563845235146753
Talk about unprecedented. If Saban took the job before the national championship game, that would be incredible. But I don't think he takes it...
When you go into every game knowing you have to score 50 points to win, you tend to press the issue in tight spots when you normally wouldn't.
I believe Les is here for the long haul. After flirting with UM twice, that ship as sailed and no other job is as attractive. Basically,...
You'd have to explain that to me too.
I think the blame for not getting a deal done was on the republicans last year. They were being ridiculous about increased revenue. They seem to...
I read up on it too. Looks like it's etymology was essentially german as Red indicated but through general assumption of being a racial slur, it...
I can tell
There was a manatee spotted in big lake a few weeks ago. There's video online somewhere.
Drinking a little early last night huh Martin?
Damn! Wing had a bad year but to not even be one of the top three in the league?
Jerry won't hire Payton because Payton will actually want to coach and manage his team. The Cowboys will never have a top level coach or be...
I can believe that. But that's very different than a conspiracy at the SEC offices. I don't buy that.
Just because they don't get called for penalties often doesn't mean there is favoritism. It is very possible that they just don't commit...
This is exactly right. No conflict.
Nah, I don't care about Saban. It's their inbred, hillbilly, classless, doucebag fans who are illeterate and just plain dumb. And this is coming...