I found this... http://www.nata.aero/agso/ASTGCache/2530e716-720a-489d-9e07-9681b5a47255.pdf
260 in the front and the mains are 340
I have no idea if he was in on it from the beginning or not but imagine if he really was duped. Who are these sick fucks with all this time to...
At the very least? so you are okay with lower income and lower wealth people paying a higher percentage of income in taxes because they are...
Honestly, I read it and it was nonsensical. I don't understand how you don't agree with a simple ratio. I know you said the gdp wouldn't double...
NC, this is what Winston said..... This is fact using word definitions and math. If you think this is wrong then it will be hard to have a...
That's not what you said before. You said.... Of course it's a step in the right direction as you now claim. Any budget deficit less than...
I didn't read the whole article. I read the synopsis that said we were 1.2 trillion away and then looked at the numbers myself without reading...
So someone making 50k/year should pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than someone making $5 million/year?
I never said it was the right thing to do. I just said the political reality is that they aren't going to make 100% of those cuts. If you look...
Supa, you're right. Nothing official yet but the plan that I read was to increase state sales tax to 7% from 4%. I don't see how that gets us...
From what Bhelm said weeks ago, we weren't that interested. Apparently there are some issues with him.
What is important is that that's another 1.9 that has to be added to the baseline your initial article was about along with at least 200 billion...
I don't understand your point? He could just monetize those credits. It's not really any different. However a state sales tax is regressive....
I just read that the statute of limitations on any perjury charges he would have, have run their course and he is not at risk criminally from a...
I still don't think he's actually going to fully confess. It will be some sort of half apology about unstated transgressions. He just can't say...
I disagree slightly. I think they are very interested in cutting spending but they just don't have the balls to do it. It's politically...
Less than two weeks and you've already rewritten history? So you are angry because they didn't go over the cliff by forcing spending cuts and...
I'm fine with the sequester cuts. Fug it, let's do this. I don't think either side will allow them.
But both republicans and democrats wanted this tax to go up. This was only meant to be a temp cut during an extraordinary period. I like the tax...