We need runs. I don't know if I'd let Mitchell hit....but who else on the team can get a hit right now. I just don't want to see another three up...
Well...another garbage at bat for the Tigers. Only two more left.
I changed to purple right before all of that happened. Everyone get the purple on NOW. We all know what happens when we gold out Tiger Stadium....
Wow....just freaking wow! Landry is the ****ing MAN!! Two days in a row. This kid is something special!
I do now.
I'm going to change my shirt. **** this gold shirt crap.
Three up...three down. At least Clark swung at 'em. Gibbs was happy to just watch them cross the plate. Dean seams out of sorts. I figured...
What's up brother?! Long time no hear from.
It's okay Okie. We're all getting kicked off every 60 seconds.
Three up..three down..two strike outs. I guess you're right.
No way...Bradford is back in? WTF?
C'mon Brett. There are not that many people on the board right now. There's no reason for all of the errors. Someone needs to fix this crap....but...
After the replay...he was out. But, at least we got a call.
Holy ****...that was nowhere near a strike on the second pitch. Schimpf should have turned around and knocked the ump out.
Double play...inning over...BS...BS...BS....
Holy ****! Get Bradford out of there....****!! Give me a ****ing break!!
You may want to keep quite right now....
I don't know guys....this isn't looking good. Our guys just aren't playing their ball. 6-2 UCIrvine....WTF... Get Bradford out of there Coach.
BS..... Bradford should have relayed quicker than that anyway. Too close to tell on the tag. Here we go.....
This sucks......