evidently, thats a vast majority of americans
i know this has been brought up before, but i cant help myself. what do you want? a gov that governs by polls? i thought the horror of clinton...
i got it. cant i make a joke? the sign does say she owns a dollhouse, i didnt make it up.
they got a bit unlucky with the draw. huggins style always beat cal when they were in the cusa. cal may be like 0-10 against huggins, not sure.
indiana and ohio went for barry. la didnt.
i didnt get the gop memo saying that mortgage problems werent the fault of the lendees anymore.
ok. with politics you have to learn to tell the lies from the truth, or there's no point in paying attention. besides, how do you quantify...
if you want to just debate red then send him a pm.
i hear the memory is the first to go. remember, 9/11 actually happened during bush's presidency.
"Mr. Obama said several times during his presidential campaign that he supported expanded offshore drilling. He noted in his State of the Union...
our tigers will have a decent chance although it is very early in the season. dont forget this isnt cal's tigers anymore.
next season, November. basketball NEMS360.com - UPDATE Memphis to play LSU in basketball in Tupelo
you saying bubba didnt share blame for 9/11? he did. blanco and nagin share blame for katrina too. but bush's biggest debacle was all on him.
uh oh, now he knows your a lib:lol:
lucky for you you'll never have to pay up.
she shouldnt have taken on a mortgage she couldnt afford, lazy lib.
he is fighting republicans that want to prevent offshore drilling near their states--AL, FL for example. and he is going against the left,...
...by the people.
a rucksack? isnt that a bit mod for you. maybe a burlap bag.
sure you can. foxnews is the only place that reports the news that real america wants to hear. youre just a pinko commie.