While the O line play needs to improve (and i will bet five out of six critiques from schools across the country will say this after first game)...
UNC Charlotte had a basketball renaissance in the mid 70s. They went by Mean Green for awhile, but with return to mediocrity that fizzled out.
Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talkin about! And it wasn’t against Wattsahmatta U., either!
Geaux Tigers, got to run.
It’s pretty damn loud in that stadium. I cannot hear announcers.
Well, I hate FGs, think we gave that one away.
3d and 15 is never pretty!
BS holding call.
Shoot all the officials. Now.
This looking to the sideline & changing shit is what has screwed us for years. Run the damn play, down their throats, or go home.
Run it down their throat!
Let’s Geaux Jeaux!
How was that not blocked?
Well that is nice!
Let’s Geaux Tigers! I don’t think they have enough commercials!
When I taught algebra I had a big meme in my room that said something like, “If you wait until May to start caring about algebra, You better know...
For an old man, this weekend has been hell. PGA event did not start until Friday, and now, with this Sunday game. Nevertheless, GEAUX Tigers!
As usual, I am apprehensive, but mixed with some hope. The biggest deal is the lack of a "safety net" at running back. Seems like we have had a...
Me and Willie both outlived our dicks! Damn.
Hope you did not. I have a navy buddy who is big with the Nimitz Museum. I’m sure they would cherish the telegram.