This is why I'm scared for my kids. We are seeing the destruction of this once great country right before our eyes. We would rather treat our...
Boxer: Hackers should face criminal probe over 'Climategate' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room I will point that it is ok with the left when...
I agree here, this is my problem with these civilian trials for people picked up on the battlefield including terrorists. I want to agree with...
I get it in that respect. I don't know, I think the Obama's base could become discouraged if Obama does things that they don't want him to do such...
Glad to hear it. That just means he probably isn't going to stay at Bama. I wouldn't be too confident if I was you!:thumb: Dennis Franchione...
This crap is exactly why we need political reform ahead of any other reform in this country. There is nothing more important than this issue....
I agree with too much time from now until then but you are totally wrong about Obama winning in a mirror of 2008. A lot of people didn't know what...
I think its too early to tell but if the economy doesn't improve and Obama does what most don't want him to do I believe the Republicans could run...
Coming from you I take that as a compliment!:wave:
I don't think he will be traded unless I am missing something here. He makes too much money, most teams would never pay him that much for a few...
This is actually my favorite time of year, when this stuff starts happening at least for me its more fun than the game itself.:lol: As long as it...
Geaux to my Saban to ND thread for more information but one reason is that I heard it from my dad, he called me on Friday and said he heard it...