Jump pass vs. Florida? I feel like we faked the dive play then he took a few steps towards the line before executing the pass. Maybe it was just...
I said in another thread that I would love for Saban to turn into Bama's Cholly Mac. He was that great coach who just couldn't beat LSU.
But it was a BS charge. Had he gone before the ethics panel he would have been cleared. The IRS found no wrong doing in the matter when their...
People who think JJ runs the option poorly don't understand what an option offense is. JJ doesn't always do well on the pitch play around the end...
All the male cousins, and the lesbian cousin go saltwater fishing on Thanksgiving morning. There are 20 of us so we go in 5 or six boats. I...
southerntgr, here is an example of the type of ribbing you should gladly take on this board. shane0911 FIFY.
Well Paul's numbers are always inflated so he is really somewhere around 2%. Cain is done in light of the latest scandal. It seems to me Romney...
The only things we have every year are a fried turkey, a baked turkey, a ham, broccoli casserole, cornbread dressing, fish slime coke, and oyster...
Hershal thinks a cure for the virus will be found. Because he thinks the infected can be cured he doesn't want them killed.
That is an element from the comics. I knew it was coming the first time they showed a shot of the barn. Knowing that, I think the answer has...
I see that it has developed on the boards, but I have seen no evidence of it from the team. They play well around both quarterbacks. If you...
If we keep winning the BCS will send another team to play us. There are still way too many variables in play.
Then tree growers are idiots. If those dolts wanted money for marketing why didn't they just charge more for their trees? Why do they need the...
That stuff is awesome, but you have to check the dates on the bottles. After it sits too long it tastes like rat poison.
Are you saying he is a silent commit?
This is hard because we have had so many great players in the past 10 years, but to me PP7 and Michael Clayton really stand out because they were...
Well we still need to take out Western Kentucky and Ole Miss. The piggies get theirs after the Highsteppers and Black Bears.
I will certainly be there.
So you subscribe to the "If it aint broke, break it" school of thought. I had questions about Stud's Olines in 08 and 09, but have seen marked...
Guys. Western Kentucky already beat USL. We may be in trouble.