I'm starting to think there's something in the water in Georgia, what a bunch of whiny a$$es. They showed the replay about 15 times on TV and...
Dude, Where's my Car?
Hopefully they can send it out with a few extra games.
Re: Kenny Bell http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/barrier_noentry.asp?sid=&script=content.asp&cid=777972&fid=&tid=&mid=&rid=
The only reason I knew is because I stayed there my freshman year in 98'. It was pretty apparent.
Re: Kenny Bell Auburn, Clemson, Florida, Georgia Tech, LSU, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. According to Rivals....
I hope things keep up like this. They may actually wind up making off season moves that will pay off.
At least we know he's smart. I was only kidding. But his GPA is 3.8.
Me too. That's the level headed thing to do. Just don't give up on them.
We were already in the SECCG by Arkansas. So do you take the red shirt off of Lee? Or put the game on Welker and Hatch? Or further injure Flynn?...
Well. Then thanks for losing us the SEC Championship and ultimately the National Championship coach. But I give you props for at least taking a...
I like discussing it. That's what I'm doing. I'm bored too you know. Maybe we agree. My beef is with the people who want him off the team now....
Well, that's your opinion. I'm not frustrated. Guess I'm either retarded or just trust the coaches to make the right decisions. Or perhaps just...
All I had to do is go back to the first two pages. I don't want to quote anyone because I don't want to single anybody out, but the posts are full...
Clair is right. When RP starts winning games, all will be forgiven. You don't have to be old to understand that. And I don't see anything wrong...
I agree. At least make the print from home tickets free. It's me who has to waste the ink, not LSU.
Find an empty seat. Put your a$$ in it.
FINALLY! I think attendance will be the best it has ever been this year.
I hope we don't all collectively hold our breath.
I made it to 85. I had to skip 79. I have no f'n clue. I actually made it past 81 once but couldn't do it again so I had to skip it. 81 really...