Re: Storm Johnson Commits Definitely agree and they could add an opt out clause where if the coach leaves unexpectantly fired or accepts another...
and he was...kinda funny Bill L. Quit his Detroit Shock job dont know if Joe will interview him. Gotta think Avery will be first option. Waiting...
Re: Storm Johnson Commits About time..he is a big pickup and wouldn't be surprised if he became a 5-star if he has a big senior campaign but wont...
Any word how Loston broke the bone.
Re: Thornton to Miami Heat Added a lil sumin
Re: Thornton to Miami Heat Yup to the Hornets..did give up two future 2nd round picks
Not getting why Hornets selected a back up guard instead of picking a position of immediate need..they could've selected SGs Wayne...
cnn was still running that he was in a coma but cbs and la times stated he was dead. Very shocking Prayers go out to his children, family and friends.
Vince Carter and Ryan Anderson to Orlando for Skip, Tony Battie and Courtney Lee is a proposed trade as well. Lakers sold their pick to the...
Also heard Boston is still trying to move in the lottery and as high as two.
The Deal has just went through tonight
Great Job by Chad!!!1 more out!!!
Keys for Texas is a straight.........
Froze him!!!!
Let's go Chad!!!!
Yes!!!!!Great hit!!!Lets keep it going
the last pitch almost hit him too...lets keep the runs coming
man i thought that was gone at first
YES!!!!!Great way to run out the play by M.Gibbs!!
Great Plate discpline by Mahtook and getting a big double to drive JMitch in