the whole reason i didn't like chandler b/c his contract along with peja's is crippling. i'm not sure when peja's expires but i'm not too sure...
it is. no reason to split 'em up unless you wanna play favorites.
family guy simpsons south park looney tunes animaniacs
nobody likes a needy pickle kisser. even on their birthday. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] happy 31 A-hole!
really? i thought it was platform specific because you have to go into the ea locker (or am i confusing this with rosters)? when i get home i'll...
btw, any of you PS3 users out there are welcome to download a teambuilder team of mine. i made LSU and added white helmets and pants as well as...
"LSU" is quite different from the font. the shop i got them from, wouldn't put a replica of the tower or anything b/c they are officially...
i would think LSU gets a cut of the gate. week 1 games are usually pretty terrible so i agree with clair on exposure plus it's even more exposure...
unless you run into 1 of 3-5 people, i wouldn't worry about the font on your tailgating t shirts. if they ever ask who made your shirts, tell...
LSU is kinda like america to the rest of the Louisiana world. your 3rd world a$$ has got problems, we step in and bail you out.
unfortunately cancer doesn't discriminate. fortunately every now and then, it get it right.
there's too many "what ifs" this year. the sched doesn't help (i.e. both bama and fla get their bye week before playing us). i don't think 9-3 or...
i heard that this goes out the window with the new espn deal and now CBS always gets 1st choice now. can anyone confirm this? espn always...
i think for cox that tier is either 3.99 or 4.99 a month. when you consider the cost of a tiger vision game, it ain't that bad plus you can watch...
well this year be aware that with the new contract you could see LSU games on espn at 11:30 am. so no matter the network, we want games at...
freek is an artist. and that was a masterpiece. :thumb:
all good things listed so far that i would just be repeating, so: 1) Fans with expectations set too high. 01 (SEC champ)= Sr QB, 03 (SEC...
poor rebs, they won't even get to win this. it's a dead heat btwn bama and florida for me but i went with my personal history and chose UF,...
next year means next football season to me. :yelwink2:
i stared at your post for a minute before it hit me. oh.......cuz you said next year.