Who are the aggies?
Nope. The university does not allow alcohol on campus, or smoking. Their rules are pretty strict. See for yourself. Trust me breaux, those campus...
Phuck the NFL.
Yeah, but space around razorback stadium is very limited, and good luck on trying to drink and tailgate before the game.
Yeah I saw that. The Friday games have always sucked a fat one, especially when in the red stick.
Nah, we live close to Fort Smith, no IMAX within driving distance. I think the closest one is either Tulsa or LR. I don't get that good of gas...
Damn. Taking the kids fishing Saturday then to see The Avengers. Even better.
All they'd need to do is study last year's tape of Nick Saban and they'd be a lock.
It is what it is. At least, that's what the VA docs told me. lol Those med school C students are not to be trusted. lol
Yeah I think I do remember that that now. My memory is sh*t. A perforated eardrum and tbi from an RPG attack will do that. :)
Nice pictures. Do you live in ar-kansas?
G clamp, C clamp. Tomato, tomato. Lol The swivels are similar on both clamps. Damn, that clue had to be blatantly obvious. :P
G clamp
That's what I meant.
Skip Bayless is a phucking idiot.
Maybe. Silva's almost 40. Jones is in his prime. It's quite possible.
It's one of those little screwdrivers with the swivel head on the end.
Assclowns....ESPN is full of em...
Please tell me you're being sarcastic.