Let's hope we don't find out by searching on e-bay...:cool:
He has a limited vocab. Everyone knows that.
I didn't boo her, but I didn't cheer either. Just sat down and folded by arms. You could have more easiliy stated that the large portion of...
Officer, they said they were 18. Honest. I mean, look at em. They look 18 to you? They looked 18 that night. Course, me the boys knocked down...
My friends bro is lil' Jon on the drum line. We are also friends with Big John, too. We are all excited about seeing this and hearing the band...
6'7" 360. Herman Johnson Apparently, once you are a certain size, you don't have to do the shuttle run any more...
My buddy said it was crowded, but he said he had a great time. He didin't complain about getting in or anything like that. I know he had advance...
Yeah, I know. Sometimes, its hard to stop. MikeD got me going with his reply. Gnatgurl has been a pretty good sport about it. Left out...
Agreed. The gunner did a good job of holding the block as long as he did. It was a nice play call (Since it worked). Go for the score, and if...
OK Everyone (Philter, MikeD, and Me). Don't hate the playa, Hate the game. Agreed on TOPS. Wasn't there for me either. If you know where to...
Thanks. Didn't know that was out there. Its a Favorite now. Cheers.
Nice find philter. I have to agree with your assessment. This type of quick note tends to be more telling than the in your face update.
That's why God made Delgado. :cry: ...and TOPS. :D
Nicer. Thanks for joining gnatgurl. Lot's of different personalities to enjoy. Just a little joke at your expense. If the Superbowl party is...
Thanks for the location. Looks like the extra tuition money for that Master's Degree in Marketing was well worth it.
And all this from our friend LSU Bud who loves down in Old Metry. Adjacent to the Crescent City, the pronunciation capital of the world (and my...
bayareatiger, Haven't had the good fortune of being on the left coast. Have some close friends who moved out there, and my wife's cousin just...
Two things. 1. The only thing bad about Abita is the hangover if you drink it to excess (Purple Haze in particular). 2. In addition to...
I would hate for a kid of Lucas' ability to go to Southern. He could easily play at another I-A school in the South (Hopefully not an SEC school...
Just remember, the Beavers posting on that board are NOT the Beavers who will be traveling to BR. That's a long trip, and only the supporters...