As red put it earlier. being a perennial top-10, and striking fear into any team that we play. Shooting to win the West and the SECCG are...
While a max bench press of over 400 pounds is clearly an awesome feat, I don't know that it is necessarily an idicator of overall strength,...
We used to go run bleachers in the stadium as part of our fitness routine. Not associated with LSU Athletics, just staying in shape. I rode my...
Actually that is the BCA game and it is 8/28.
Looks like you can vote daily. LSU is in the top 25. Let it be known that Vandy is ahead of us in this "nutty" endeavour....
Raiders will likely take Fitzgerald. They clearly have a need for another WR. The combo of Brown Rice are just about done. Porter is already...
I don't know. If they want him, they get him and all the baggage that goes with him. I personally like how college baseball handles it....
And how does OU define quality? I thought that the widely accepted Rivals and Insiders rating systems were used to define quality of a recruiting...
I don't mind doing a little shopping if I can get reimbursed. I don't want to make this a full time business, but you can PM me and I will reply...
I had the "thumbsdown" in next to USC long before this season ever started. Along with ND, UF, FSU and BC. Some of my most hated...
Its hard to predict where he will fall. Clearly OAK has a serious need for a WR. IMO, Clayton is every bit as good as Roy Williams, and...
Those LSU numbers are misleading as they incorporate earlier years (i.e., they are not current grad rates.). LSU football grad rates are at the...
Re: Potliquor? You're crossing up eras in music. Having seen Zebra back in the late 80s, they absolutely rocked. Didn't see The Cold,...
Mother I'd Like to F*%k. I remember it as being made widely popular from American Pie. Not sure if it originated with the movie, but the movie...
Yeah. With the departure of Hunt and the arrival of Steltz, that should make for quite a competition for the starting SS position. I actually...
I love the way Saban handles the media. He even made one comment that the media started "self-policing" after one "bad" question was asked. That...
Look for Stevenson and Jesse Daniels to play in the nickel and dime situations. Steltz will also likely be in the mix to get some PT.
Weather permitting, I anticipate there being a 30,000+ crowd. Too many people want to see what is happening with the RSFR, among other things. I...
Wish I could have seen that. I used to have ECON 2030 with Vrooman. Vrooman would check to make sure all his football players were in class....
Trev and May aren't on GameDay...they work back in the studio. Corso loves broadcasting from LSU. He would vote for it. Rece is just a pompous...