Heh, heh... Cox sucks
Sweet, hire OJ to give these guys motivational speeches on how to get off easily when you're a footbal star.
Damn you Ed McMahon [img]
I remember this same poll last year at this time... and it had similar results.
I might go if I can find someone dumb enough to go stand in the heat with me. Mwuahahahahahah!!! The fools!
Wait you mean Urban Meyer isn't going to win the NCAA/SEC titles (respectively) of the universe in his first year?
Now that I have confirmation on the story it's time to get serious. What the heck happened? He is awesome. Dolphins website only has this to...
I thought Lawrence Taylor was already behind bars for cocaine. [img]
Somehow this is all Smoke Laval's fault.
He looks to have dropped some poundage. Good, now everyone can stop making fun of his weight. Jerks.
Yeah, usually I'll see someone submit a link and if I have to register I just close it. Too much time and energy. The only way I'll register is...
I'm a little afriad now that Martin has ventured out of the Roundtable. Welcome to daylight, my friend.
Not to mention morning sickness and strange cravings for avacado and ice cream in the middle of the night. And also, spotting.
I'll just stick to Bud Light, thanks.
Don't make me bring back my knife to the wrists.
Do you realize how many times you're going to find the "perfect" woman in your life? When you break up with a person that moved there from out of...
I've just got one question... why the HELL is that one guy in the bottom right of the second picture wearing an Aggies t-shirt to an LSU/Tennessee...
Psssssssssst he's looking for radio/commentary clips, I would assume.
Basing this on what seems to be the general concensus around the Tiger nation.... one.
Looks like the SEC will have limp cocks for a few years