That's AWESOME! I'll take your proposed uniform design under advisement and give you my decision in 2020.
I will only hold you to naming your son "Dominick", rather than the French version. Dominick, in my humble opinion, is a very cool name for a...
Obviously, the kids in your neighborhood were smarter than the kids in my neighborhood.
Relax . . . I was trying to be funny.
Seriously, thanks for finding this picture. It is MONDO cool. If I were that re-enactor, I'd probably have a big Bowie Knife clenched in my...
You, Sir, are a FOUNTAINHEAD of ridiculous notions today, aren't you?
You are dead wrong, Cap. It's true that the Tigers had to withdraw from the hill, but they did take the objective and were NOT repulsed. I...
I think that Jack Del Rio will be happy with Matt Jones.
The Tigers took Cemetary Hill on Gettysburg, Day 2. On that day, Oates's Alabamians assaulted Little Round Top, but were repulsed by the 20th...
Good example. I was raised on Football and Fencing, but not Baseball. As such, I'm an adult male who is still trying to learn what different...
Marcus Randall was, is and always will be a LSU Tiger football player. He may not have been the greatest QB that LSU ever had, but he did us proud.
I was trying to keep the connection "low-key" because I don't want to see any Activists protesting and bringing lawsuits to compel LSU to change...
Something legendary and anecdotal could still be true.
Admiral Semmes was not a Louisiana Tiger.
I'm not aware of any official University document or proclamation that establishes, as a matter of fact, that the athletic teams are named after...
YA GOTTA BELIEVE!!! Amazin' LSU Tigers! 2005 CWS Champs!
SF: If we lose to Vandy tomorrow, shouldn't we fire both Skip AND Smoke?
The Tigahs will crush the Commodes this weekend.
I was angry with Nick Saban for leaving LSU, I admit it. HOWEVER, now I've moved past that, and I realize that he belongs in the Pantheon of...
Who asked YOU, crappy?