"Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done." President Bush.
I don't care what you say about me CB, I was just responding to you calling me a horrible person because I supported the war but am not enlisted...
I find it funny that if you have a high Constitution party rating your Democrat rating is low and vice-versa.
1) Republican Party 84% 2) Constitution Party 74% 3) Libertarian Party 53% 4) Natural Law Party 47% 5) Reform Party...
Apparently if what you're saying doesn't agree with CB's opinion, whatever, or whoever, you quote is crap. Happened to me and every other...
You sure did make my day, I've been sitting at my computer all day just waiting for you to say that. Thanks CB.
I'm waiting for CB to read that quote and accuse me of following a liar and being a hypocrite, because I said Bush never lied to us.
so because i'm "disabled"(I detest that word) and the government will not allow me to join the military makes me a horrible person who shouldn't...
I support Bush's war completly, yet i'm not in the military, does that make me a horrible horrible person CB?
"Political language -- and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists -- is designed to make lies...
There are many reasons that the tax cuts will prove to be beneficial to the American Economy. First of all, tax cuts have been proven to help...
Re: OOPS No it didn't offend me at all, i call myself a gimp and me and my friends make jokes about it all the time. I just wanted to say...
If I wanted to be like many people in the "minority" in this country I could say that phatcat offended me when he said "The Cripple Guy," even...
Welcome to the boards. I just wanna say I am looking forward to being able to debate with someone who, at first glance, doesn't appear to be a...
"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27,...
I never said that Bush was trying to continue Clintons strategy on Iraq, I know that he never intended to invade Iraq. I was just posting...
Here's a little quote from Al Gore about Iraqs weapons of mass destruction, said on September 23, 2002. "Iraq's search for weapons of mass...
I'm guessing that either PC or CB are gonna say to either get all of the oil so Cheney's former company can make some money or because Dubya was...
What about Kosovo? Pres. Clinton took the US military into Kosovo while the House of Representatives voted to not give him the power to do so in a...
Even if it is written by a "humorous" source it doesn't really matter because the facts speak for themselves.