Maybe...but you, in all of your ramblings, failed to point out how this... not true. Hence, evolution is nothing more than a guess..a...
That is great news indeed. I pray you and your family's blessings continue. You have set an example through this on how to be a good father and...
“There is no publication in the scientific literature—in prestigious journals, specialty journals, or books—that describes how molecular evolution...
And we had a huge boot firmly planted in our a$$es by the scumbag yankees that we're still trying to remove.
Outstanding article. Very in depth. Thanks for the link.
Why would they want to display such lopsided defeats on such a grand scale? If anything, they should build smaller score boards in order to...
Speaking of yelling like hell...I just watched the Earthquake Game for about the 100th time (And you bet your a$$ I was there in the South Endzone...
If they wanted to sing Dixie and raise a Confederate flag at my house...I'm fine with that. I wouldn't expect them to do it at the state capital...
I would fully support a Purple Out!
I don't know about a springboard but I was watching my daughters baseball team practice tonight and thought that we could have some real fun with...
Bull****'s not sad...we're just extremely superstitious. I will never, and I stress..NEVER! wear gold in Tiger Stadium. Nope..not gonna...
What else is there to do between baseball and football? :thumb:
Welcome back crawdad!
Don't listen to them Lou...keep drinking the Kool-Aid! I'm on a Kool-Aid only diet this year. Let's go into this year believing it will be the...
I'm just sick of the US Supreme Court telling the states, and our courts, to go to hell. Strong localized government...Weak centralized... are saying the root of all evil is sex? :hihi:
Kill them all..Let God sort 'em out. I would bet that the overwhelming majority of people who end up on death row, for a crime they did not...
Then you must be a fool.