Score still 14 - 7 Vols. TN was driving and fumbled the ball on the 10. That's 5 or 6 turnovers so far. Whoever gets the ball last will win this one.
Damn. That's right off campus.
Freaking typical Tech fans...I was at a store earlier today with the family. This tech lady about my moms age gets in line behind us. I swallowed...
.....pick number 4 for TN. Taken back for a score that time....38 seconds to go in the half. UCLA will probably take a knee when they get the ball...
...make it three picks for TN...
TN had better not embarrass the SEC again. Good defensive game so far...
No problem brother. I was hoping you wouldn't have to use it. Glad to hear everyone is okay though. Edit: Mom just called me on her...
What's the story behind Rick? :hihi:
They had at least four of 'em over there. None of them were over the age of 18 either. Two or three of us could take the dozen or so they
Nope...I'd give it a month and she would be saying someone raped her. No girls on the football team please. Remember what happened up in Colorado?
Not about LSU but still worthy of the front page. Incidentally, the last time Aggies lost their home opener, it was LSU 17 - Aggies 3. :hihi:...
We need more couches
......and why hasn't it been posted yet? C'mon people...,hurry up with the footage. :LSU231:
ESPN will replay the game on Tues. at 1am.
It depends how bad this one gets...,and what happens with the next one coming. I wouldn't be surprised to see the game moved to Troy. It would be...
It took me six hours to get back to Bossier yesterday after the game. Six freaking hours! I'm sure it would take a few more if someone tried it...
The game served it's purpose. We got a win. We got a decent scrimmage in against a decent team going against plays that were not scripted. I'm...
Miles outranks Jindal....He should call him up and demand no evacuation until Sunday morning.
You forgot to add that it still takes a backseat to the natural beauty of our Louisiana....:grin:
Great movie. Compare Lonesome Dove to our modern day western Brokeback Mountain, and tell me our society isn't going down the tubes. These...