Well when he was working on oil rigs in the 40s and the 50s the Texans he worked with weren't throwing it around as a term of endearment.
What exactly are you arguing? Isn't "not recessing" better than "recessing"? The reason they made out so well is because their economy is free....
Imagine that. The country whose government did nothing did the best during the great recession.
Coonass. He knew where it came from, what it meant, and hated it.
South Korea didn't. And they are having the most robust recovery.
My Pawpaw would punch everyone of you in the face for typing that word. Racists.
I thought the mid season finale was awesome. Possible spoilers, don't read if you didn't watch. The way the Sophia arc...
What happens if Saban decides to put Bama 1 in his poll?
Fair or not, at this point I want to play them again. I would just love seeing my Tigers destroy Bama's title hopes and make all those pundits...
My good friend, Odoms Odoms - Keeping Up With the Jetsons (featuring Ballzack) - YouTube His partner in rhyme, Ballzack Ballzack - Rainbow In...
I lived there for 4 years. Forty miles outside Atlanta, and Georgia is exactly like Mississippi.