i assumed he was talking about driver's license while driving. but im sure everyone gets that.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill wont the real fight be over the likely historic punative damages (although i realize this bp disaster...
theres a difference between corner and cover corner. and to clarify i was assuming he was referring to rod woodson, not charles.
its not because of ideals but because of action, and i bet rosalyn wasnt talking about ideals either. they havent bombed the evil western...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill lloyds of london, actually.
is this a joke? woodson and bailey are/were better than sanders.
i thought it was below your standards to post a euro joke. whats with the "metres"? and they didnt even spell it right.
you were scooped on the non-explosive fertilizer too, mr murrow.:hihi:
when is it expected to show id? driving. boarding a plane. getting a bank account. getting a hotel room. really only one of these is relevant...
it certainly isnt as big a deal in this scenario than it often is. i imagine the kids dont see tiger as often as a typical 40hr a wk average joe...
mine are a little "restaurant" off of some lady's house in fiji (taveuni island)---best curry ive ever had. and fryar tuck's brewery in portland....
we'll see if this guy can take the ncaa season punt avg record from lsu's kessler.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill it absolutely is bigger than politics, but the politics of it is unavoidable. many people screwed up...
Whose best interest? International child abduction under the Hague Convention | North America > United States from AllBusiness.com "The return...
i only have an issue with how the law is used, not how it is written. for me, the main issue is your favorite, balance. they should very soon...
i suppose the most likely way he gets away with it is if he quickly got on a plane.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill of course, but obviously they werent safe enough. its hard to imagine a rationale for not including the...
this will target illegal hispanics. not illegal canadians, europeans or asians. this may result in harassment (detention) of US citizens based...
if she moves the kids there. some US judge can order the kids back or something but have no power to enforce it. im assuming she's a swedish...
i read it was non-explosive fertilizer. so just the propane would have exploded. the vehicle running too. im sure it was planned that way,...