I just thought that everyone might like to see how Bush's economic policies of his first 3 years in office have compared to Clintons....
Well if what McCain said implies that he has made up his mind about the facts, well then that certainly means that Gore made up his mind when he...
what about the Tariff of Abominations that S. Carolina threatened to secede over in the 1828s. It seems that the south didn't win the vote over...
Well since it looks like no one is going to take a guess as to who said the above quote i will just tell you. . . *Drumroll* Albert Gore
I just thought you might like to read the actual Crittendon Compromise for yourself. Crittendon Compromise
"The President of the United States, I believe, would not manipulate any kind of information for political gain or otherwise. ... There is no...
"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is...
I would also like to add that in an attempt to keep Southern States from leaving the Union, a thirteenth amendment to the Constitution, very...
"... in my opinion the best means of securing the efficiency and fidelity of this auxiliary force [of slaves who would join the Confederate army]...
My whole goal was to join CB's list of contempt and since i have apparently accomplished that I can now die a happy man. some selected quotes...
Finally a well thought out and worded response. Thanks for not being a dick like CB
Yea i understand about getting the Yanks in a wad. My dad is from New Jersey, only 15 minutes outside of NYC, and we always argue about whether...
There was discrimination in every part of the country during that time, just like almost everyone was a white supremacist i.e Good 'ole Abe...
I wouldn't exactly call it halftime because the south will never try to secede again, because the federal government has become too strong and the...
I have one simple question for you CB: Why was it right for the American colonies to secede from Great Britain and form their own country but it...
Wow, way to back up your opinion with facts CB. I forgot that your opinions were the definitive answers on everything political. Remind me to ask...
The morrill tariff was passed in Congress in it's 1859-1860 session, which was before any southern states seceeded from the union, but it wasn't...
I wouldn't even bother trying to get a reply from CB whenever you ask him to use facts to back up his positions, or when you provide facts to back...
Now the actual bill may not have been signed until Lincoln took office in 1861, however, the fact remains that the tariff was passed in 1860 and...
The U.S. House of Representatives, under the influence of this Northern protectionist lobby, "actually passed the Morrill tariff in its 1859–60...