Here's an article on the increase of summer enrollment int he Tiger Weekly: Rest here:
Si. They said that Freshman summer enrollment was way up this year, and not just because of football players.
They didn't make it. When I worked there in 2002-2003, they kept boxes of the water in the warehouse to be put on the trucks.
This should help: According to the MLA Handbook, each text reference to an outside source must point clearly to a specific entry in the list...
Are you on the Score payroll?
They won't leave because the ghost of Bear Bryant is coming back to coach the team to the SEC title.
One of my friends knows him and all she talks about is how great of a guy and how nice he is. I've never heard a single bad thing about him off... Has alot of local Baton Rouge shows... it's an ESPN Radio affiliate so you're still going to get your Cowherd and Jim Rome...
Right, made by Abita Springs... housed at the Coca Cola plant... for some reason. Abita Springs also makes Jaguar water for Southern.
Oh fiddlesticks. That long?
It's insane that some people hate Smoke simply because he's not Skip. NEWSFLASH, it wouldn't be happy times if someone other than Smoke took the...
He seems to wear it often. [img]
To fully toss the salad, you must insert the tongue into...
You've got to spread these jokes out so I don't have to get mad when I can't rep you again. :hihi:
Well Auburn fans aren't exempt from that kind of stuff in my experience. At one of the New Orleans Voodoo games this year, there was this fellow...
Just keep in mind that Tuscaloosa sucks. Ha. I went to this festival in Kentuck, AL (right next to Tuscaloosa... you can even see the stadium...
My understanding is that it's not illegal to have the drugs in your system, only if you have some of it on your person, not in. Also, they...
I hate day games.
I was personally responsible for 500 of those votes.
Get the rifles. I think we're gonna need a bigger boat.