That's like paying a dog a biscuit to coach the team and saying he's well payed for what he brings to the table. Totally irrelevant. Top notch...
Horrible comparison. Brady has been here 10 years, Saban had only been here 3 years at that point. We know what Brady is about by now.
Add in there the fact that has Bama ranked 28.
That's been the problem since Brady has been here.
Thank you, I noticed that too.
I don't know, 10 years seems like a good amount of time. The only thing that's changed since he's been here is his cheeks have gotten bigger.
The fire Brady movement is anything but new. When Brady is gone. You have valid points on Miles and Russell, but Brady has been here long...
Defense got us there and Tyrus was the staple of our defense.
You may be right, but we'll just have to wait and see.
It's not so much the stars that prompted my post, because obviously stars dont make the player. Recruiting has sort of a snowball effect on a...
I do....:hihi:
Bama is no longer attractive to top recruits.
If any of you have been keeping up with recruiting on rivals, then you've noticed that Bama jumped from a 22 ranking to 13. I've been told that...
McKnight reminds me a lot of Bush in that he seems to always thinking of his next move. He seems to be focused on the next defender up field.
LSU made Saban and Bama will break him.
Well, "always" might be stretching it a bit, but welcome to the board.:thumb: :geauxtige
The problem definitely didn't start this year, as I can remember all of Brady's teams being this way. As far as the final four, Thomas is gone and...
That's all I'm trying to say.
Brady can't shoot for the players, but he can coach them on their shot selections. I have been seeing it for years, poor ball movement and poor...
All you have to do is watch a game to see how undisciplined this team is. Is everyone else not seeing that?