I would like to point out that if the Boston Red Sox can be the first team in MLB history to win the pennant in a 7 game series after starting out...
I like this post a lot, because it reflects very well most of the things that I think of when I try to analyze LSU baseball. My inability to...
I don't know about playing the "politically correct" card, but I agree with you that this jihadist will not be put to death.
It would be nice to see the Astros win a WS one day, wouldn't it?
As Billy Joel told us long ago: You may be right! But you could be wrong. I'm totally unable to give an opinion worth a darn, because I'm...
Isn't it just silly to argue about the state of LSU baseball? Even if we don't make the CWS this year, won't the status quo remain based simply...
It would fit you much better if you changed your name from "scrappy" to "crappy"
Heck, I'd LOVE it if LSU could dominate in baseball again like we did in the 1990s, because I missed most of those championship years . . . I was...
My comments were absolutely not directed towards you or your comments at all . . . I was merely making a general comment. Actaully, I have not...
I absolutely agree. Good fans are like good people . . . we try to improve ourselves and make ourselves better people and better fans....
I really like his book, too! You know . . . The Canterbury Tales, by Chaucer? You might have read it in high school. It's a good read.
Great series win against the runts of the SEC West!
Yep . . . we're the 1969 NY Mets all over again!
We are back, baby . . . so call us BABY BACKS.
I don't care what their record is . . . I'll bet that they are a pretty good team.
They scored 14 on us tonight. They must be very good.
You can't tell much by listening to somebody on the radio one time for a few minutes, can you? I don't think that you can.
Any minute now, he be pimpin and talkin smack bout bein a SOLDIER.
Yes. Saban had his own private secret police called the Saban Staffel (SS). They were fanatically devoted to Nick and acted as a sort of...
We can get all warm and fuzzy about reversing the slump and making it to Omaha, but, it is possible that we continue the slumpt and lose the next...