Of course not. He'll be remembered as: 1. Will Smith 2. Clutch post-season performer 3. Maybe average for 82 games That's a pretty...
Fair enough! Cast iron is key. Put a layer of oil in it (either vegetable/canola oil) and put it in the oven while it's pre-heating. When the...
:rofl: And you might be right. Kupchak and Isaiah in the same room could be a deadly combination of dumb. The Earth might stop turning if they...
Now that this thread has shifted to the greatness of cornbread, can y'all find Ballard cornbread in the store? I heard an awful rumor that they...
Wait, Iraq didn't invade the US? :thumb: I would much rather watch American Idol than some gloryhound yap about a war and then do nothing to...
I must admit that SabanFan completely screwed with my head on the French bread with red beans thing. I NEVER eat French bread with red beans at...
I've had about enough of this junk. Somehow these lowlifes are made at US because we want to protect our borders and not let every filthy [insert...
Then you should prefer Formula 1, which is infinitely better than IRL/Cart. A lot of folks bemoan the "all left turns" thing, but I've found...
RIP Marquise Prayers to family and friends. Such a tragic loss.
And if my aunt had a willie, she'd be my uncle. Or if I had three wheels, I'd be a tricycle. :hihi:
Wife cooked up some Asian baked chicken (soy sauce, Emeril's Asian seasoning, some other stuff), jasmine rice, and napa. Absolutely outstanding...
PETA: :rofl: what a joke As a not-so-in-the-closet-Spurrier-man-crush-haver, South Carolina is the only other SEC team I root for -- ever.
Exactly Amigo. Americans had the appetite to bomb the hell out of anyone at that point. I'm not so sure we had nation-building and civil war...
No doubt. Lance Zierlein is my boy. He's got a GREAT blog at the Chronicle, and is pretty knowledgeable about all things football. You're right...
Putting the SB in Dallas, in THAT new stadium, seems to make complete sense. I can't think of any argument to the contrary. Additionally, other...
They keep jerking with the line-up with no discernible difference in production, and much of that is because of Biggio at 2B. It also sends a...
Funny you ask -- he only wears it in spring training and at batting practice. Apparently it shows up on some of his baseball cards as well. He's...
Combine these two posts, and you'll have perfect red beans.:thumb: For the onions, I would use either yellow or sweet onions.
Talk about straddling the fence....I inexplicably agree with both of you. However, Lebron is still young, and has a while to grow into the new...
Portland is the team to beat in two years. Holy hell, THEY hit the lottery. My Celts continue to be snake-bitten. Of course, that kind of...