The OP perfectly sums up the way I feel. A whole lot of been there done that.
My favorite part of the game last night was a Marquette player tried to save a ball going out of bounds near their bench. The ball landed right...
I thought John Issac's defense was very good last night. We may have another Garrett Temple type shut down guard in that guy.
There are going to be 7 more Season 2 epidoes starting February 12th.
I think the post glame blow off was much more indicative of Paterno's lack of class.
Bob Petite bobblehead night. LSU is undefeated on bobblehead night promotion nights. That is for any sport.
You haven't watched this team much this year have you?
No. It is an outright scare tactic lie.
I never believe Ron Paul polling numbers. The actual is usually ten percent of the forecast. If he wins Iowa it would be impressive, but despite...
Here is another few songs I have been rocking a lot lately: The Protomen - Light up the Night - YouTube Odoms - Keeping Up With the Jetsons...
Thats where Stringer will come in handy.
I like the one made by Bourgeois's Meat Market in Schriever the best, but Porche's Sausage in French Settlement is closer and also very good....
Hogs head cheese. I sat down and figured it out once. I have consumed a literal ton of hogs head cheese in my life.
It was some anonymous dude with the internet moniker les_miles. He probably lives in 1980s 3/2 ranch somewhere between I-10 and I-20.
You people just love to complain. Jefferson plays too much. Les hurt Lee's feefees. We could be double plus SEC champions with a pocket QB....
Mars Volta was awesome but then they stopped doing heroine.
That was a pretty massive fro.
More like garbage poetry before swine.
Me? I love everybody.
Dude Yo Gabba Gabba is the business. Does Backyardigans have Biz teaching kids beats? Chuggington is just a cheap Thomas knock off, and Thomas...