really? who? black, alem, woods, holliday, scott, cjones? all these guys had solid problems---college performance, injuries, measurables. the...
not that great. a qb with great talent around him and no gary crowton won ZIP. i suppose you could count the one SEC west "title"
macs are for people. pcs are for people that understand computers. for me, macs are just easier. easier to find things, easier to organize...
maybe obama will revoke the amnesty given to the 1.7 million illegals and their descendants by ronald reagan.
its complicated isnt it? many will vote for it not because they support it, but because they want to appear to support it. unless the vote will...
Re: After the Draft collins. thats why he got caught from behind so many times (the lost shoe play excluded of course.)
yes many are excusable and it is backed up time and time again. like the BR father that shot his childs rapist and got 0 time in jail. or the my...
hell, even us citizens dont have all the constitutional rights.
sure its illegal, but crossing illegally to get a job to feed your family is about as illegal as jacking some guy in the jaw for calling your wife...
you wouldnt consider something like mccain-feingold more bipartisan?
so will passengers have to carry id? will it be a crime to not have whatever id this will be? will minors have to carry id too? i have no idea...
i watched charlie rose interview two reporters and a lawyer about the subject. im not sure if the goldman sachs side was well represented but it...
i keep hearing about john paulson being the shortselling mastermind that packaged the subprime mortgages and bet against them. he a different...
dont be so sure, smartypants. i doubt his name is "genghis khan" in his native language. it has been translated phonetically into english. i...
Re: After the Draft he had a great run, but he lacked great top-end speed.