ranaudo looks good as far as i can tell from live stats. 3 up 3 down
somalis are generally not arabs.
maybe jugdish, or whatever his name is, will can be called on to pull some legal strings.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill i value your posts on this topic particularly, but i disagree here. sure they are doing all they can...
did you not believe post 5? or has the cost estimate changed again?
its not.
this is more extreme than my views. what is the minimum evidence that would be required for you to believe, assuming the christian story is true?...
dont tell me you pulled for them in the 2nd round 1990.
this is garbage, no place on national news.
the CBO underestimation was overestimated and reported as such yesterday. "But the budget office now says that about $86 billion of that total...
oral traditions are interesting. i can imagine how important they were before written language and even a few hundred years ago before literacy...
jack kemp? pat robertson? jesse jackson?:grin:
clarence thomas
foul. you cant use "Bush".
"Vincent Lacerra, who lives across the street from the searched home in Watertown, told the Boston Globe he was watching television at about 6...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill "The failed blowout preventer on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig had a hydraulic leak and a dead battery in...
no more post offices in airports i thought
because mommy and daddy say so. seriously. oh, and fear of going to hell. thats a biggie, too.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill "Like the Minerals Management Service, the U.S. Coast Guard inspects vessels, including drilling rigs,...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill " investigation...reveals that ... the blowout preventer, had a leak in a crucial hydraulic system. ... the...