me and one of my friends have a $50 bet on who wins the election, I have my money on Bush.
I've mentioned this before, in another thread, but if you want to read up about Kerry's agenda go to Our Plan For America Here is what I...
This is a great site, I just came upon, that shows Kerry's many different positions on the Iraq war. Kerry on Iraq
Like I said in my first post, in an ode to smax I am going to copy and paste something I found on the internet and post it without quoting a source.
In honor of smax i am going to copy and paste something I found on the internet pertaining to John Kerry and I'm not going to post the link where...
This is another good one [IMG]
[IMG] There have been 11 straight months of job growth and 12 months of growth out of the last 19. The employment rate has also dropped a...
I realize most people criticize both candidates without really knowing what they plan on doing this upcoming term, so I figured I would post it.
Now here is Kerry's agenda, if he is elected. Kerry's Agenda 1. use every available resource to get the terrorists before they can strike us...
Here is President Bush's agenda for his next term. I may have missed a couple when I was reading through his speech in Pennsylvania but you can...
I retract my previous statement on the deficit.
Actually the federal deficit is to hit $445 billion this year, not $521B. It is still a very high number, I just wanted to point out that your...
Most economists credit Bush's tax cuts in rebound
Kerry's 1st Purple Heart: December 2, 1968 "My M-16 jammed, and as I bent down in the boat to grab another gun, a stinging piece of heat...
Like ElvisFan said, i'm not disputing that he recieved those Purple Hearts and I actually praised him for putting his life on the line and going...
Since John Kerry has yet to release his medical records stating why he recieved his 3 purple hearts, the only thing we can do is take him at his...
All of this information comes from the final report of the 9/11 commission: "These policy challenges are linked to the problem of imagination...
Also, if you move to just a direct popular vote we get into the water of a pluraristic democracy vs. a majority democracy and if we choose that we...
The Electoral College isn't perfect, however it is something that is needed in this country. It is used to keep politicians from just focusing on...