Bingo. This is assinine. And to think some mouth breather on here mentioned PAC MAN JONES in this context?? :rofl: Give me a break. Why is...
1. Laron Landry -- easier transition, paired with another All-Pro at safety, top talent 2. Buster Davis -- more polished than Bowe, going to an...
There's already a law. Something about "failure to maintain control of your vehicle." There's absolutely no need to outlaw anything like that in...
Are they considering moving Kendrick Allen to WR? :hihi:
Not really. There's a reason he went so high in the draft. It's a bit rare to find a guy with his length that can jump out of the gym AND time...
Remind the kiddo that the object of baseball and any sport (obviously excluding judge-based Olympic sports and women's basketball) is to win, not...
Yep. And it's easy to say, "wow, that guy is a playmaker. Let's get the ball in his hands." Care to recall WHY some hyperskilled guys play...
It's like he can't get out of his own way sometimes. He plays the tough guy role (and makes sure his staff does as well), yet seems oblivious to...
I was driving to Austin on Friday, going down US-290, in a 70 mph zone. There was a truck driven by you-know-who going MAYBE 30 mph. I got to...
This reminds Ben Wallace the most overrated player in the post-season, and if not, who is?? The guy is a non-factor on offense, and he...
Skiles finally realized that Tyrus Thomas is a huge match up problem for Detroit, got him in the game, and he's BALLIN'! Both ends of the court,...
That's the big issue as I see it. I don't have a problem with them suspending guys for leaving the bench, as there's a TON of precedent for them...
If he was Reggie Bush, you would have heard of him while at Da U. Of course he should be on offense, but any comparison to Bush is laughable.
Always liked him at LSU. Got a soft spot for the boys from Bogalusa, plus he lost his mother or father right before entering LSU, and had some...
Yep, so it was written. The Suns can at least be entertaining as long as Nash keeps his homo quotient lower. Not likely though. Typifies the...
Nellie Ball strikes again. Out rebounded 52-36, and shot 62% on free throws. Teams just can't win in the playoffs against solid teams with these...
Why? Do we ban other entertainers that like to use marijuana, you know, like 90% of the movie and music industry? Ironic that you would bring...
How can you tell it's Mother's Day by looking at the menu? Deceks knows...
I initially fancied the thought of introducing myself as the new neighbor and hanging a big loss on each of them. Then a strange thing happened...
YES. I KNEW there were some movies I was forgetting -- movies so bad that I couldn't watch them even when on a long flight. RV is definitely...