...and we'll wake up and USC will have been a figment of our immagination.. we'll then go get the paper in the front and the lead headline will...
we should have never gave them the technology/aid
completely not nervous
why in the world did clinton give aid to north korea?
It's going to be on ESPN2 and start at 8pm...gonna be a late night.
7-6 for the kid. A lot of surprises to me this week. I didn't think Texas was that great nor OU that bad. Though Oregon was a lot better...
Since NK has already tested a nuke, what should we do when Iran begins testing bombs. It'll be a very scarey situation when the 2 are both holding...
we could also still go to the SEC champ game and beat florida
the thing set registered as a 4.2 magnitude tremor in NK. stocks are holding up pretty well though.
espn is just disney's little b***h. EXAMPLE: take in to consideration the proximity of disneyland to USC
UK's certainly not a bad team this year as they have been in year's before but, I am confident we can mop the floor with them. It'll be nice to...
we have the best 2-loss team in the country.:thumb:
Russell..141 Doucet...225 Landry....9 Joesph....0 Zenon.....0 375
The tennessee game was pretty bad. we'll survive this little gem though. it's just tough because it's the 2nd loss with 2 hard road games ahead
its the name of the game in college football. heartbreaking losses come with the territory
y'all beat auburn alright
he said bandwagon complainers. we know who the true fans are around here
i wont be able to feel my feelings when the night is over
i got a stockpile of beer that will be no more when the night is over
corse caught 2 or 3 on the sideline today