Serves a dual purpose?
It's a common misnomer. What I can tell you is they will be shithoused in 5 years. I know a guy who owns 550 or so of these types of houses and...
I seriously doubt that's section 8 housing. More likely it's part of the LIHTC program which was started in Reagan's years in his 1986 tax reform...
Did you feel that way about homosexuals in the military? I remember most of the "battlefield guys" said it was a bad idea.
Exactly! What does it matter anyway? Sounds like in the end, he has been appropriately scouted and his number of stars won't change anything...
And then they scrape the mold off before giving it to you.
This will be a fuckshow. I'm not a "a woman's place is in the kitchen" guy necessarily but there are some boundaries that should be followed by...
I hate talking on the phone. When the phone rings at my house, I don't even flinch or make an effort at all to answer. I would much rather text...
Life sure would be less stressful.