Once I went ashore to the intel facility in Rota Spain as the carrier headed back to Norfolk. We were going to fly back on a scheduled C5 several...
OK. We were out, got home, turned on TV. First play I saw was the first Gator TD. The first (only) friggin play! So I bailed, but it wasn’t...
The “not stupid” team. We are a little short of players, but there is always hope.
Ketchup and mayo mixed together make me gag! I hope I don’t ever see that shit!
IMHO shrieking females doing everything the can to disrupt the Senate does not do a lot to promote their cause.
During Plebe year (freshman) at USNA we were required to know all kinds of things. Three articles from front and sports pages, the movies in...
I know I am the Great Satan, incarnate, but a bunch of women screaming in the halls of Congress is not very compelling. It may be fun, but I...
Me, too. I was thinking the same thing. Very measured.
The liberals can’t stop pointing out that the cloture vote is not confirmation. Clearly “wishful thinking” by the “neutral” media! Pitiful.
I’m just glad Chuck Grassley isn’t carrying the water for my team. He belongs in a run down Iowa country store, whittling off the big cheese...
I lived on Mission Bay during my first tour in the navy. . . About 50 yards to the bay, couple hundred to Pacific. Unfortunately in the mid 70s,...
WTH??? How in God’s name did you know to even search for this shit? Damn. “Mumble Rap”. Maybe Kavanaugh should have mumble rapped his Senate...
Absolutely. That is why the myriad of attempts to have a "common aircraft" just don't work out very well. With the three mega-expensive variants...
Oh yeah, if you want to be hip, it's only "The Blues."
Spent three years on an aircraft carrier. Not a big fan of naval aviators, but they do have immense skills. A couple of times due to crowding, I...
Nicole Wallace, 4:00 - 5:00 EDT, laughs a lot on her show, Deadline White House, on MSNBC.
How much of the “Tiger Stadium” experience is dependent on Greek tailgating? My daughter (ex-Greek, on my dime) was outraged “That’s bullshit”....
These guys took the rebranding just a little too far!
Gotta watch that game tape!