Yeah is that an automatic whistle when the ball carrier loses his hat?
Doggone it! I was supposed to go to bed in the next hour....early morning tomorrow. There's no way I miss the end of this one. Tomorrow is...
If this has been said, it bears repeating.... Why couldn't we run Trindon like they're using Rodgers? They are about the same size.... And...
That's me - what's up?
Nice post! Doesn't matter if you ever attended classes at LSU. (I knew a lot of students who rarely made it to class!) Being a Tiger is in your...
You're right, Stacey. Playing "by the book" is a fine idea......but all the coaches have read "the book". Some of them helped write it. Coaches...
I don' think he invented it...but he certainly PERFECTED it. Does this surprise you? And one more thing....Tirk - that girl in your sig pic -...
Just like every completed long pass, this one was a bit of both. As long as it works, I don't care which factors in most prominently. This one...
A little off topic here, but still about the GBFTL - Did anyone else notice how LOUD the Tiger Band was on the ESPN broadcast the other night? I...
Seems to me that if he hasn't arrived, he at least knows where he's going. That's a huge improvement over the first 5 halves of football. In the...
A president's pension currently is $191,300 per year, until he is 80 years old. Let's assume the next president lives to age 80....
You're right, Salty. And the fellows who commented said it all.
You forgot about this part of the blog: Maybe I'm a little sensitive about it, but that sounds a bit snotty to me. Maybe they're not all...
"Good as it looks, there is no guarantee that going 12-0 is going to get USC to the BCS title game." Link:...
Almost.....but not quite. We sure have a lot of great opposition posters on this board - but when you think of it, they're not really opposition...
Didn't CLM burn the redshirt when JJ took a few snaps a week ago? I thought one play was all it took....? And Okie is right - depending on...
Nah, I'm pretty sure we deserved that one.... If it had been our player thrown around like that we'd have been howling for blood.
Sabanfan, you really ARE the voice of reason. Some folks just enjoy looking at the down side of things. Remember what A. Lincoln said, " Most...
So - any thoughts on what happened to Trindon tonight? Just a "bad hands day"? I was sure hoping he would be a big contributor tonight.
They did destroy Clemson, though as it turns out Clemson was probably ranked a tad high to start the year. Little Sisters of the Poor could...