At least it is on in Dallas. Dont know about the rest of you.
Southern Miss beat Auburn... Sweeeet!
If the result is a more profitable company, then it's money well spent.
This is freaking hilarious. i think he is a ... An Islamic civil liberties...
Agreed. You gotta admit that even having this problem is great because it shows the quality of players we now have top to bottom. I mean, we are...
I don't know about Bill Parcells, but other NFL coaches were definately keeping an eye on Russell. This is from Mel Kiper last year: Q: Is...
This is a snapshot of some of our fans from the Auburn game last season. No wonder they are terrified of coming here! [IMG]
I have to mute the broadcast for the USC games after about 5 minutes. What's funny is all they do on their own forums is brag about how great...
Let's see.... Poor ghetto-raised kids deciding to skip college and instead make millions of dollars, thus providing large sums of money to...
If the crowd noise determined who won or lost, USC would never win a game. (unless you count their band playing the same irritating song after...
DHead, What in the hell are you talking about? Man, you are going to have to come to grips one day with the fact that life isn't as dramatic as...
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The meeting all of college football clamored for, USC and LSU, had come. Offers of millions couldn't get them together in...
Wow, you have really uncovered something here Phatcat.. I mean, the ethics of a newspaper run by a Fundamental Islamic Government are in my...
"I originally voted for the 87 Million dollars, but then I voted against it" -John Kerry when asked about not voting to provide 87 Million dollars...
Bah, ConfUSA has better football teams too.
:D :D :D :D :D :D This post should be a Sticky:D :D :D :D :D :D
What if in your book all the forum members are mysteriously murdered. And it turns out the murderer is Ramah? That would be cool. Huh huh huh.......
Re: Re: Re: Some pics from this past football season I beg to differ but your wedgie knowledge is not accurate. The Melvin is definately a...
I believe you are referring to a "Melvin" :D
Houston now has to also consider that there are now 3 more teams in it's recruiting region with the shift in the Conf. USA. Tulsa, SMU, and Rice....