Gibbs batting: ball, strike, foul, K swinging After 2: LSU 6 Bama 4
Dean: breaking ball outside but called strike, LOONG BALL, gone In the bleachers. HOMER. 2 outs LSU 5 Bama 4 Correction: LSU 6 Bama 4...
Nola batting: ball, strike, foul into the crowd but crowd yelling fair, ball, ball 3 ... full count: ball 4 Runners on the corners. 2 outs
Top of the order: Mahtook: ball, ball, ball, LONG BALL off of the wall, triple. Run scores. 2 outs. Runner on 3rd. Bama 4 LSU 3
Dishon, 9th batter: Meeting on the mound. Long meeting on mound. strike, ball, bunt ... called out at first ... nother ump call. 2 outs...
Dozar batting: swing and a miss, WP ... Landry scores. 1-1: ball, ball, now 3-1 ... walk Runner on 1, one out Bama 4 LSU 2
Hanover: foul, ball, strike ... curve, ball, foul, count at 2-2 balk, runner on 2nd (I think umps trying to calm the crowd). foul, foul...
Radio saying foul all the way.
Landry batting: ball, foul, base hit up the middle. Runner on 1st. NO outs.
Rutledge, SS: strike, fly out to center Umps have missed a check swing, out at first, and this past foul ball. 3 misses by umps....
Top of the order: Dugas, CF: strike, strike ... 2 curves in a row, low ... count now 1-2, ground down the 3rd base line fair ball, error on...
Catcher Bennett batting 9th: strike one, inside ball one, high chopper to short, 6-3 not in time. Runner scores, 2 outs, bases loaded....
Ranaudo not in this game yet. Meeting at the mound. Miller, RF batting: Check swing ??? didn't offer but replay shows he did, strike,...
Smith, 3B: ball ? high? getting squeezed, strike one breaking ball, foul another curve, high ball 2, ball 3 another ? high: Full count:...
Kindred, DH up to bat: swing and a miss, ball, throwing over to 1st, ball 2 changeup, foul, high ball 3, Count full: walk Runners on 1...
Wilson, 2B: ball (high fastball), nother high rider ball 2, Base hit into left field. one out, runner on first
Top of 2: Jones 1B: strike, ball, ball (close), grounder to 2nd deep in the hole. 4-3 One out.
Gaudet hitting: foul, swing and a miss, ball, ball, swing, pass ball, 2-3 out AFter one: LSU 1 Bama 0
Micah Gibbs, switch hitter: 1st pitch liner up the middle, base hit. 2 outs runner on 1st
Dean at the plate: ball, foul, another foul, check swing out 2 outs