Ok, I can agree with that. I disagree, there are some folks out there that are busy with their lives and or don't pay attention to politics. I...
I think you are taking this too literally. If I may point out that the author most likely was trying to show the context of just how much money an...
You are correct and I will point out that I don't think Red read (:lol:) what I said at the beginning of my post. I asked what others thought...
You are missing the point. The point is that everyone knows where he is coming from. All tv news resports him as conservative radio talk show...
So What? Too little too late, I don't believe Florida can beat Bama the next 2 seasons. I suspect Florida will be in the same position as us the...
I didn't check the facts here, honestly I don't have time. I have to get my daughter ready and off to school in a few minutes. I would like to...
I'll take that as a compliment or maybe I am Martin!!!:rofl:
First of all I don't know what was suppose to happen on the play that Colt McCoy got hurt. But I blamed the UT coaches for putting him in that...
You should add Obama also. Liar, Liar, How many promises and statements has he broken now? The most transparent administration, Carry health care...
I agree!:thumb: I would rather keep CLM's and win less games than to take a chance on Pete Carroll either way. I'm not so sure that Pete Carroll...
Since Obama and the Libs have bankrupt the country. I would like to know if the funds we provide for unforseen disasters in this country are...
Couldn't have said it better myself. Don't be ridiculous. Look at the bias and the treatment that Obama and the Libs receive. Also look at...
If your post was directed at me. I was just trying to be like some were during the whole Bush Administration for a few weeks on this board. There...
Wow,Red said quite the opposite for the last 8 years. Its too bad he doesn't treat the Dems and the Libs the same as he does the right. How about...
Yes, I have tried to do that not only as an LSU fan but a football fan in general. That just isn't going to happen. I have cousins that are...
Eighteenth isn't so bad, really! Some of us remember the Eighties and the Ninties really well!
I disagree, Almost any football game has questionable calls. I thought there was a special irony here... Heck, I blame Mack Brown or whoever...
Re: I have to admit as it gets game time I can not pull for Bama! Hook Em Horns!
washingtonpost.com Quote: Four U.S. servicemembers and a British soldier were killed in two separate improvised bomb explosions in southern...